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Kansas Day
January 29 2000
San Jose California

Kansas Day, a long forgotten tradition of bygone Turkey days, was revived.  The primary instigator of this event, one Mr. Jim Meyerson, must be held accountable for the havoc he has reeked with the surviving members of the Turkey cult and the long suffering families...

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Speaking of long suffering family members, Jim's wife Clare, attempts to erase years of these long forgotten memories by swallowing a glass from the infamous La Quebrada Brewery and Ale Emporium.

Dan, remarkably well preserved considering the deeds of his past life, not to mention the wear and tear of 4 (yea, count em, four!) kids, stands in contrast to our host Mr. Graham, who has no children, just plenty of grey hair.   (Hey, at least he HAS hair).

Ed P., voted least changed in the last 20 years, attempts to solve the problem of how to open the bottle of water.  After finally giving up this quest several hours later, he was overhead to say "Hey, I'm a manager, not a doer." On the right, Theresa is mortified from viewing the resumes (and portraits) of the class of 1975.

Forever young Jim, the primary instigator of this fiasco, enjoys himself in spite of major jet lag.  Dan, on the otherhand, has no excuses with only a single time zone change, still manges to hide behind the chandelier.

Greg is caught in the act of viewing Ed's derrier, as Jim looks on.  Hey, I'm not making this stuff up, pictures don't lie!

Rick (aka Executive Vice President Riley) holds court with his entranced minions.  "If only I could get somebody at Cardiac Pathways to pay attention to me like this, we might actually make a buck."

Larry doens't actually look like this, it's all just skillful photography.  On the right, Larry trys to find somebody other than Rick to listen too, fearful of snoring too loud if he continues to watch Rick in action.

Kim is thinking "If only they would all leave pretty soon, I could get this place shoveled out by Midnight..."

Thanks to all of our sponsors for this fine evening of entertainment, especially the Marketing Director of the La Quebrada Brewery, the former Ms. Clare Neubauer, and Kim for putting up with this bunch of Turkeys once again.